Hirano to Kagiura

Hirano to Kagiura Detailansicht

zu den Episoden
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  • Synonyme:
    Hirano and Kagiura
  • Jahr:
  • Episoden:
    0 / 1
  • Angesehen:
  • Typ:
  • FSK:
    Altersgruppe 12


The diligent high school freshman Akira Kagiura and his senior Taiga Hirano have been roommates for half a year. Kagiura used to be anxious about his future dormitory life, but thanks to his energetic senior looking out for him, he has come to feel content and at ease. As he continues to rely on Hirano more and more each day, he develops strong feelings for his selfless friend. In the six months they have left as roommates, Kagiura is determined to put a name to the relationship he cherishes so dearly before it comes to an end.

Quellen: randaris, mal, anisearch und anidb

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