Na Nare Hana Nare ongoing

Na Nare Hana Nare Detailansicht

zu den Episoden
0 Bewertungen
  • Synonyme:
    Narenare -Cheer for You!-
  • Jahr:
  • Genre:
  • Episoden:
    10 / 12
  • Angesehen:
  • Typ:
    TV Serie
  • Trailer:


"The feeling of wanting to cheer someone on... where does it come from?"
Six high school girls with diverse hobbies, skills, and personalities. Each carrying their own worries, they run, shout, collide, daydream... When the pure desire to support aligns, their cheers resonate in the hearts of those involved. The support of these six high school girls from Gunma might just change the world a little bit?

Quellen: randaris, mal, anisearch und anidb

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