Über mich gibt es nicht viel zu erzählen:
28 Jahre.
Mag Animes ( Oh Wunder )
Meine Gedanken sind meist ziemlich düster.
Lebe so ziemlich in den Tag hinein und wandel ohne wirkliches Ziel von Wochenende zu Wochenende.
Tomorrow is a hope, never a promise
The fastest way to happiness is to avoid looking at reality.
Friends. Those companions you speak of are only friends during those fun, yet unimportant times. When painful times come, they won't be your ally..
Embracing life means accepting death
Without love, it cannot be seen? ...Hah. That's backwards... Because of love, you end up seeing things that don't even exist.
Each of us lives, dependent and bound by our individual knowledge and our awareness. All that is what we call reality. However, both knowledge and awareness are equivocal. One's reality might be another's illusion. We all live inside our own fantasies.
Perhaps living without sin is a sin in itself.
Those who run from death... stood still in life
All truth is meaningless. In the end, 'meaning' comes from the mind of each individual human. Even when there is a single truth, it can mean different things to different individuals. The truth has no meaning in itself.
In fairy tales, when the protagonists end up in a different world, they do their best to get back home, right? But who would want to go back to a world like that?
Everyone is a slave to their past. No matter how much you wish to move forward, the events of last year will bear down on you like the light of the stars as soon as you glance up. Unable to laugh or to banish your past, you carry it ceaselessly in a corner of your heart, waiting for it to resurrect at an inopportune moment.
"Tell me a story!"
"There was once a pale man with dark hair who was very lonely."
"Why was it lonely?"
"All things must meet this man. So, they shunned him."
"Did he chase them all?"
"He took an axe and split himself in two."
"So he would always have a friend?"
"So he would always have a friend."
"There was once a pale man with dark hair who was very lonely."
"Why was it lonely?"
"All things must meet this man. So, they shunned him."
"Did he chase them all?"
"He took an axe and split himself in two."
"So he would always have a friend?"
"So he would always have a friend."